Miota Tips
Here are some tips for booking air tickets online: 1. Be flexible: Consider flexible travel dates and cheaper destinations. 2. Book early: Book at least seven weeks in advance. 3. Fly on cheaper days: Avoid Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays. 4. Fly early or late: Consider the first and last flights of the day. 5. Use incognito mode: Booking websites may increase airfare for routes that are searched repeatedly. 6. Clear browser cookies: Browser cookies share your search history with travel companies, which can cause prices to increase. 7. Use alternative routes: Connecting flights or nearby airports can sometimes be cheaper than flying directly. 8. Search for a single person: Airlines often show the highest ticket price for group purchases. 9. Use social media: Airlines often promote deals and offers on social media. 10. Use a travel aggregator: Use a travel aggregator's website to check out the flight ticket prices. 11. Consider low-cost carriers: Low-cost carriers can help you save money. 12. Use the cheapest payment method: Some websites offer special discounts on payment methods, such as exclusive discounts on any particular bank's credit/debit card or payment apps
These are just a few points to consider, and there may be others that better suit your needs. Be sure to research and compare before making a decision