Miota Tips
When choosing a washing machine, you can consider things like: 1. Capacity: The maximum weight of clothes the machine can hold in one cycle, usually between 5–10 kg. A 6–7 kg machine is suitable for a family of four, but a smaller or larger machine may be better for smaller or larger households. 2. Size: The width, height, and depth of the machine should fit in the available space. 3. Drum material: Plastic drums are cheaper, lighter, and more durable, but porcelain-enamel drums are easier to clean. 4. Spin speed: A faster spin speed removes more moisture from clothes. 5. Wash programs: Different modes are available, including wool, hand, quick, delicate, silk, and anti-crease. 6. Features: Some useful features include fuzzy logic, LED display, time delay, temperature control, RPM choice, and pre-soak settings. 7. Energy rating: Indicates how energy efficient the machine is. 8. Warranty: Covers any issues that may arise.
These are just a few points to consider, and there may be others that better suit your needs. Be sure to research and compare before making a decision